Kurupam market, a colonial heritage of Visakhapatnam, AP - now a forgotten site due to sheer negligence

 Across India many heritage sites are in  poor state it is only a reflection of  receptive state's total negligence and devoid of interest to save them for the posterity. According to INTACH in the city of Hyderabad alone, about a 100 monuments in the city and its  fringes amy collapse any time. Reason; Long years of  neglect and lack of interest in conserving them. What is disgusting is despite court orders way back in 2009 the ASI has not moved one inch forward and initiate steps to conserve them. They neither implement strict heritage laws and take steps to remove  encroachments on the heritage sites nor make periodic basic maintenance to safe the site from damages. The right approach is immediate eviction of encroachers, basic repairs and prevention of sites from collapse. Conservationists say countless structures can be save if ASI gets out of hibernation and star taking steps.  A case in point is the heritage structure in Visakhapatnam Kurupam market which because of lack of conservation efforts  disappeared a decade ago like the will-o'-the -wisp. 

Vizag Kurupam market, AP. hatangadi.blogspot.com

old image Vizag Kurupam market, AP Photo courtesy: Sohan Hatangadi

Kurupam market, a heritage site in the city of Visakhapatnam, came up during the later colonial period to  celebrate King  Edwards VII coronation (previously Prince of Wales. He ascended the throne after the death of Queen Victoria whose  pretty long reign ended in 1901. His coronation with Queen Alexandria took place on 9 August 1902, 

 A rectangular area with four entrances on each side on the main road next the Hindu reading room, it was a gift from  the local ruler-the Rajah of  Kurupam, Shri Vairicharla Veerabhadra Raju   to the growing city.  It was a gift to the city, from the then Rajah of Kurupam, Shri Vairicharla Veerabhadra Raju, a charitable zamindar loyal to the British Crown. he not only gifted the land, but also had a market place built (now called Kurupam Market) and dedicated to the city. for the benefits of the public  on 1st September, 1914.in connection with the coronation of King george V (coronation took place in  20 June 1911; consort Queen Mary)

Vizag Kurupam market thehinduimages.com

Vizag Kurupam market in ruins.thehinduimages.com

Vizag Kurupam market in ruins. hatangadi.blogspot.com

Above images; Kurupam  market, Visakhapatnam, AP. Symbol of negligence. The images bear testimony to the official negligence and carelessness. Once a majestic building now is standing in ruins with broken debris around due to lack of maintenance. One of the towers fell apart and one can see the big gapping hole on the ceiling inside the arch. The heritage structure is erased from the cityscape........ 

King Edward VII and Queen Alexzandriaen.wikipedia.org 

Built in English architecture, the building standing on a 2 acre plot has four central  arched entrances in tudor style The clock above it has enhanced the beauty of the market building. The clock is said to have been imported from  a clock company of repute -  Messrs. Gillett and Johnston, Their clocks used to adorn the town hall od may cities in England and the USA. 

As usual official apathy and negligence left the clock tower uncared for. Fallen into ruins, recently  the tower became dilapidated and in a  precarious state  posing threats to the visitors. So it was demolished by the city authorities. In May 2013 one night last week, Vizag's imposing century old lady: the 'King Edward VII Market', locally known as the 'Kurupam Market' was razed to the ground for good - disappeared in a cloud of dust. There was no discussion  with the heritage lovers or historians, nor was there any  referendum on the public property.  This Harry Houdini's vanishing illusion's act took place in a jiff  and the residents were in a state of shock following day.

The original imported clock on the tower could have been saved by them  had a little care had been taken by the conscientious officials. Along with the loss of the original clock, the heritage aspect of this colonial structure is lost, so is the majestic look of the building.  

Being a popular market accessible from four sides, place there are all kinds of shops from Ayurvedic medicine to vegetables. and jewelry shops to fire-crackers.. Now, they keep their finger crossed about the future course of action.   

