Funny quotes 16

Shrinking stomach:

Indian public getting crumps.

"The Indian politicians  have pride and  
presumption in their achievements:  They make  
millions of empty stomachs shrink deeper to make  
their belly full and big".


Above image:  Indian  crafty politician before getting people's vote (top). After  elected to office (bottom);
least attention is paid to the voters & their problems.

 The art of being hospitable:

Poor starving folks!!
"Hospitality is a virtue and ought to be followed 
sincerely by the people. Inviting your friends with a 
languid yawn and a look of a disguised boredom is a 
disgusting behavior."
Angry guests!!

 Be calm and composed:
missiles flying while in
Indian wife and broom.
A devil in the office called boss.
 "In the place of work during  heated arguments when tempers flare up shouting,  yelling and other stuff won't give good results. So,  ignore  the cuss words  just like the way you automatically duck your head when your better half, in rage, is hurling things at you; just stay calm and composed".

the powerful and the powerless.
Royal maturity:

1812  cartoon

Above image: 1812 Merry Making on the Regent's Birthday. George Cruikshank cartoon showing George, the Prince.

a 1930s cartoon. The Royal Toast.
 Above image: The picture is from a 1930s cartoon. A guest at a posh dinner has lit his cigar before The Royal Toast. The cartoon was by H.M. Bateman.
Learning politics the royal way!!
"If the European worthy royal  members behave like other 

Queen Elizabeth raching out common peopleThe Cagle Post
normal common folks, it means, they are "immature, yet to develop the trait to insult others. The royals  attain  maturity  only when their odd behavior exhibits  some kind of irreverence for the ordinary people and  shows signs of  eccentricity, bordering on arrogance and lunacy".