Mind and tongue in check:
girl with zipped mouth. a way of keeping the tongue on leash. www.shutterstock.co |
"If the mind is in check and the flapping tongue is on leash many a problem can be kept at bay. If not, you will be heading for serious trouble".
Unwanted guest:
''It is nice to have guests in your house. Mind you, an unwanted. over-bearing, nosy guest is the most disgusting character on your premises".
Dame luck:
"Regardless of your talents and toil, unless you have elements of luck, no progress can be made. Bear in mind, guided by "Dame Luck", a man may come out of a bone dry well with a live fish in his mouth".
Secret between husband and wife:
Hiding a secret from your beloved wife is an impossible thing,
because ....... " Hiding a secret from your wife is like trying
to sneak a daybreak past a rooster".
....... Lou Walters, American Journalist