The media people don't respect me for the following reasons:
01. Media people say my speeches are trash because Mu campaign speeches are aimed at whipping up the emotions of the gullible people in the audience. I fully disagree with them.
02. I enjoy receiving titles, big awards and attending special meetings where famous people shower praises on me. --- Media people accuse me of encouraging self-adulation.
03. My full-time job is "service to the people" because service to people is service to God. --- Media people accuse me of being ''over- zealous''.
04. I do no care a fig if either the people or the media make carping comments on me. ----- Media people think that I don't have any sense of shame.
05. I have neither gratitude nor integrity when it comes to moving up the ladder in my chosen professional field. -- Media people point out that I am selfish, unscrupulous and an opportunist. I disagree with them.
06. I don't go after money. Nor do I get commission to get the job done. --------- Media reporters say I encourage corrupt practices and I have no clean hands.
07. I am neither afraid of court cases nor scared of highly hyped
scams. That I have wheeling and dealing with the goondas, hit men, ruffians, etc., is not true, It is a big lie--------- Media reporters say it is a big joke!
08. I do care about my family, my wife and children. I neither have concubines nor second wife. Media reporters say it is not true and I have a harem!!
09. I often tell the people that my hoard is small, but my heart is big. Media people say it is a whooping lie and is the big joke of this year!!
10. When it comes to true ideology, I don not pretend I know the meaning of it. Even if I do know, I am like a Jackrabbit,
will keep changing it like a weather cock as I wish.
Can you make a guess who I am?
Yes, I am a proud Indian politician, ever at the beck and call of my electorate. Be ready to serve them well as long as I can till I hit the grave so long they keep filling my family's coffers!!