Thornhill-Mayne Memorial bldg. public library Allahabad. wikipedia |
Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh is a multi cultural city and the Mogul rulers centuries ago had a soft corner for this fine old city. During the East India company rule, considering its location, the administrators attached strategic value to this city and in the aftermath came up several churches, colleges and several colonial buildings. On 1 November 1858 this city was declared the capital of British India and lord Canning read the famous proclamation that Queen Victoria had assumed the direct control of the continent from the EIC - East India company in the wake of suppression of the first war of independence in 1857- 58.
.Allahabad Public Library. |
Allahabad Public Library, |
Plaque in Thornhill-Mayne Memorial bldg. Allahabad |
Thornhill-Mayne Memorial bldg. Allahabad |
Tower. Thornhill-Mayne Memorial bldg. Allahabad . |
The library has a vast collection of 125,000 books, 40 types of magazines and 28 different newspapers in Hindi, English, Urdu and Bangla and contains 21 Arabic manuscripts. Besides, it has has a rich collection of old government publications, parliamentary papers, and blue books of the 19th century, old manuscripts and journals. It has prized possessions like Shahnama in Persian, certain works of Dara Shikoh, son of Mogul ruler Shah Jahan. The famous members of this old library were Motillal Nehru, his son Jawaharlal Nehru, G. P. Pant, Madan Mohan Malvya who founded BHU (Banares Hindu University, Varanasi), C.D. Deshmuk, et al. Way back when the Internet boom had begun in 2013 more than 50000 people benefited from this library and the readership has been on the increase since then. The library already got the international recognition.