Surprisingly, the famous Thiruvathirakali group dance of Kerala that is famous during the annual festival of Thiruvathira, has a close association with the popular mythological concept of Ardhanarishvara of God Shiva, who represents both male and female attributes, upholding the inseparable bond between male and female entities. If they do not function in union and deviate from the right path, the cosmos will face a chaotic situation. So is the life of a husband and wife whose marital harmony is immensely important.
In the traditional and holy Malayalam month of Dhanu (16th Dec.2020 to January 13, 2021) a few Hindu festivals are held in Kerala state and Thiruvathira assumes as much importance as other festivals like Onam and Vishu and for centuries.
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Arthanareeswara idol (God Shiva in male/female form) |
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Arthanāreeswarā stone sculpture |
Above image: A three-armed Arthanāreeswarā (also spelled) Ardhanarishvara sculpture with only Nandi as a vahana, 11th century, Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple
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Arthanāreeswarā temple Tiruchengode, |
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Ardhanareeswara temple interior |
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Arthanāreeswarā temple Tiruchengode, |
Above images: Rare Arthanareeswara ancient temple of Tiruchengode, TN. The Chola, Pandya and Nayak king made additions to the temple. The main shrine is for Lord Shiva known as Maathoru Paagar and the Ambal his consort is known Baagam piriyaalammai. The image of the main deity is 6 feet in height, the right half of the image as male and left half of the image as female. Hence the main deity is also known as Ardhanareeswarar. .,_Tiruchengode...........
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Thiruvathirakali dance, |
What is distinctive about this festival is unlike Tamil Nadu or elsewhere, in Kerala it is said to be the festival for women and the belief is ''if unmarried women undertake fasting on this day (abstaining from solid food, mostly rice based items) they will soon get married to a good and compatible husband to take on the challenges of life with equal participation, particularly women will gain positive attitude and stand by their husband in all phases of life''. You may say Thiruvathira festival is women-centric and women empowerment gets due importance. Normally, fasting starts from the preceding day (Makayiram nakshatra) and ends on the following day. For the newly married women, the first Thiruvathira called poothiruvathira. is an unforgettable event just like Thalai Deepavali in Tamil Nadu. In connection with this festival, folk dances and folk music are arranged across the state and women undertake 7- day worship to enjoy marital bliss and happiness. It is believed on day of Thiruvathira ("star" of Lord Shiva) Lord Shiva, after Parvati's long penance, took her as a saha-dharma chaarini - equal partner.
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Thiruvathirakali dance,Kerala, |
Every festival in Hinduism has a purpose or a subtle message to lead an upright life. This festival is a tribute to Shiva and Parvati who form an ''ideal couple''. They appear before the devotees as (half male, half female form) in one-form, the implication is women have equal rights like men. Invariably, almost at all Shiva temple, there is a shrine dedicated to God Ardhanarishvara, a composite form of Shiva and Parvati (the latter being known as Devi, Shakti and Uma). The union of God Shiva and Parvati symbolizes the eternal bondage between a husband and a wife, promoting harmony in the family.
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Arthanarisvara Thathuva |
The popular annual group dance Thiruvathirakali (''Arthanarisvara Thathuvam'' as locally called in TN) is a depiction of half-male and half-female, human form equally split down the middle. The right half is usually the male. Shiva, with his traditional attributes, is the fusion of masculine and feminine energies of the universe (Purusha and Prakriti). It illustrates how Shakti, the female principle of God, is inseparable from male principle Shiva, symbolizing Shiva's all pervasive nature and the amity between male and female. The right side of he body is often associated with masculine traits valor, etc., and brain functioning such as logic, discretion, analytical thought and so on. The left side is related to the heart, therefore is also associated with typical feminine attributes such as creativity, intuition and so on.
Ardhanarishvara concept represents the perfect synthesis of male and female forms, embodying the Prakriti and the Purusha, the feminine and masculine energies of the cosmos. It highlights how Shakti, the sacred feminine form, is inseparable from Shiva, the principle male God. This form also symbolizes the all-pervasive, all-enduring nature of Lord Shiva. and also the optimal balance of the male and female energies in this world suggesting their co-existence and inseparability. Complimentary to each other, they must work together in unison to maintain equilibrium. It shows the unity in the opposites of Purusha and Prakriti. The former is the passive force of the universe, while the latter is the active, dynamic force. Both these forces must embrace and fuse with each other to generate and sustain the universe.
The universal fact is both Shiva and Shakti, irrespective of their opposing forces, are one and the same and cannot be regarded as two individual entities. Therefore they are inseparable and interdependent. The popular annual group dance Thiruvathirakali is closely associated with the concept Arthanareewara.
Invoking the blessings of God Shiva, the dance is performed by women accompanied by Thiruvathira paattu. It is a vibrant and an inspiring dance accompanied by songs that tell the story of how Parvati was in deep love with God Shiva and her loneliness being away from him. The celebrations begin on the full moon day, the birth star of Lord Shiva who married Goddess Parvati on this auspicious day and this festivity begins on a happy note, highlighting harmonious marital life that will promote family welfare, prosperity and progress. This folk dance showcases the pangs of emotion of married women toward their husbands and the young spinsters' aspiration for comfortable male company.
Attired in native whitish Kerala saris with mundu and neriyathu women in synchronized groups of eight or ten dance dance rhythmically in unison in a circle perpetually moving gracefully around a lighted brass wick- nilavilakku simultaneously singing and clapping , bringing forth the lasya and the amorous charm and elegance of the feminine attributes. It is an invocation to god to bless the family with peace, tranquility marital harmony. Thiruvathirakali, a ritualistic dance performed by women, is one of the most ancient dance forms in Kerala, says Guru Nirmala Paniker
The day of Thiruvathira (as per the Malayalam calendar) was one of the rare occasions that allowed women to socialize and celebrate without being restricted by social taboos. Women were allowed to go out at midnight to village ponds for a bath and other rituals associated with the festival. Since these women were supposed to stay awake at night as part of the ritual, the group dance was naturally the easiest form of entertainment to keep themselves engaged.
In the past, centuries ago during the festival women used to perform this dance, which is illustrative of women's equal rights, in the privacy of their homes and later they were allowed to perform outside the home. Across Kerala, over a period of time, as the dance became popular each region gradually added new style or distinctive feature to the the performance to make it more graceful and fascinating. On most occasions at many places Thiruvathirakali is held in an open-air setting or under a specially designed shed. practitioners like Padmashri Leela Omchery, a great composer of this art form breathes new energy and keeps this ancient dance alive. In the past several years Thiruvathirakali has presented with unique styles and versions that have won the appreciation of the people.
Though Kerala is not a matriarchal society some communities there did have a matrilineal system in the past, meaning the daughter would inherit the property from mother. Woman empowerment is quite visible across India. It is worth mentioning that for a long time, women enjoy equal status in many areas though there are complains here and there. In the past, centuries ago during the festival women used to perform this dance, which is illustrative of women's equal rights, in the privacy of their homes and later they were allowed to perform outside the home.
Kaikottikkali spreads the message of everlasting bondage between men and women in this transient world to take the stressed marital life forward without tripping. It is Kerala's own version of Karva Chauth that falls in October), one of the most popular Indian festivals mostly being observed in the north It is a celebration of love, marriage and the long-lasting bond shared between a husband and wife. The folk-lore has it that Thiruvathira Kali is in memory of Lord Siva taking Parvathi as his wife.