Chand Boari Of Abhaneri, Rajasthan - An Ingenious Ancient Water Harvesting System

Chand Boari, Rajasthan

In order to stop the water problems in the dry or semidry areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat where there was minimum the concept of step well took shape with different designs to access the water deep in the underground. Such well-designed step wells or Boaris or Vavs are not only architecturally beautiful but also highly imaginative. Indigenous to India, such step wells go hundreds of feet below the ground with steps artistically lining all around them. Deep below near the ground water level, there are well designed large chambers and cornices for the people to take rest and engage in social conversation. The deep excavations having subterranean channels to store and tap ground water highlight  the ingenuity of the past rulers and their concern to tackle drought conditions.

Inner chambers, Chand Boari, Rajasthan, 

 Abhaneri, Chand Boari, Rajasthan,

Chand Boari, Rajasthan Ron Mayhew's Blog -

Abhaneri,  a small village, about  95 kms  from Jaipur in Rajasthanand  a popular tourist destination, has a rich glorious past and lure lots of tourists to the site.  Established by the then ruler  Raja Chand of the Pratihara clan, the place was called Abha Nagri (City of Brightness). The name Abha Nagri, over a period of time, became Abhaneri. The  shape of well is square  measuring 35  meters on each side. Of the four sides, three sides have well planned steps  that go down to the bottom of the well. The purpose of this step well in this semi arid region of Rajasthan was to tap water from deeper portion below the ground and the advantage is at depths, there is less evaporation on account of cool condition down below. where there would be less evaporation because of prevailing cool condition. The stored water could last for a last time to meet the needs of the village nearby. It was a way of harvesting rainwater and storing it for future needs way in the past. They are artistically and aesthetically carved  man-made underground reservoirs or water storage tanks meant for the village people if dry spells prevail. The such wells are provided with aa pulley on the fourth side to draw water manually using animals. 

Just across Harshat Mata temple, the 9th century step well has a 13-storey structure, that goes down to a depth of about 100 feet. There are about  3500 steps that exhibit  a fine, symmetrical geometric pattern, quite pleasing to the eyes. One can not miss the diamond-shaped patterns caused by the interplay of light and shades thrown on the steps. It is quite mystifying.  The presence of the temple shows that the well was built for religious purpose as well as for social needs of the travelers between two villages across the dry region. Such step wells need proper planning and patience.  Abhanei 

 The temple and the multi-tiered step wells  attract people from other parts of India and abroad for their  embellishment deep in the underground chambers and on the side walls on all sides with  intricate carvings of Rajasthani style in stones. The  stone carvings and the jharokhas (latticed windows) in stones are typical of native Rajasthani style.


01. The step well - Boari or Vav, a hoary water management system to store water hundreds of feet below the ground level was built in the dry and semi dry regions of Western India  mostly in Rajasthan and in Gujarat. There are about 30 step wells near Delhi which g has harsh summer. But, to day only some are functional  and many of them either disappear or encroached upon  because of official negligence .

02. The shape of the step well may be square or rectangle or circular. but the design  style is more or less similar with 4th side provided with a pully to draw water. Depths normally may vary 100 ft depth is a common feature for reasons of cutting down evaporation of water.  So is the nature of the ornate features displayed by the temple, but the decorations vary from one place to another. 

03. The depth of Boari depends on the  prevailing  water table. Near the water source, resting places are provided. Often, they are embellished. The subterranean  water passages may vary from place to place.

04.  Among the 3000 step wells built between 5th and 18th century, about 1000 plus wells have survived and they are not well taken care of by the governments at the state and central levels..

05. During the colonial times, the British considered the Boaris  not safe and hygienic, but they closed them.

06. In 2014, the Boaris and Vavs got the Unesco World Heritage site recognition tag.