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"Almost everybody is prone to flattery, the temporary sense of elation will make the person ecstatic. Both politicians and women love it very much. The former may use it to fool others to gain something - votes to hold a political office. The latter fall for it only to be fooled. Well- spirited men and women will never give room to flattery. Flattery is fake and lacks truth".
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Beauty and vanity:
"Widely noticed among the women folks, both vanity and beauty are transient and will wilt under ageing. Soon, it will disappear like a morning dew. So do not be a slave to them and and spoil your god-given natural beauty''
Beauty and vanity:
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"No government office across the world is free from this evil. It is a gift given with 'reservation' 'damnation' and 'curses in silence'. It does not give the corrupt man not even one hundredth of joy and peace of mind that a hard working man gets by earning his bread the hard way".
Political corruption India |
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