The dirty culture of Freebies during elections - Will the Union Government under PM Modiji ban it for good?

Promises (Deccan Chronicle)

Freebies for votes.

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Politicians and freebies

In the last two decades on the increase in the States like Tamil Nadu has been an important and timely issue regarding the practice of politicians offering freebies to vote during State Assembly or Parliament elections. This unethical act during election time to win the election will positively undermine the integrity and the fundamental tenets of  democratic processes.  Providing free electricity, free public transport, free water, and waiver of pending bills and loans by selfish politicians to win the election are often regarded as freebies.. The irritable offers are creating an undue influence on voters. Bureaucrats and economists  warned that some of the states could be heading the way of cash-starved Sri Lanka or Greece if such a freebies trend continues unabated. The announcements and schemes in several states by the politicians were economically not viable and would push the state into an economic chaos. There is a need to impress on them  to take a balanced call, weighing the political urgency with fiscal health

The Supreme Court Of India said, "The promise of freebies was a 'serious issue'' and further observed  in its recent statement that ''freebies are extended using taxpayer money and may push the State towards “imminent bankruptcy.” It is necessary to distinguish between what might be referred to as freebies and what should be considered Far from being welfare measures. freebees are unproductive expenditure and will set a bad precedence in the realm of election campaigns.
The quote by Bernard Baruch, "Vote for the man who promises least; he will be least disappointing," serves as a poignant reminder for voters to critically evaluate the promises made by candidates. Here are a few points to consider:

Impact of Freebies on Democracy- Short-Term Gratification vs. Long-Term Welfare: Freebies often address immediate needs but can divert attention from more
substantial and sustainable policies aimed at long-term development.  Voters may prioritize instant benefits over evaluating a candidate's track record and vision for the future. Candidates'  past and present criminal acts must be examine critically.

Financial Sustainability: The fiscal burden of providing widespread freebies to voters can strain public finances, leading to higher debt or cuts in essential services. At stake will be future welfare projects and infra structure development. It's crucial for voters to understand the economic implications of these promises.

Educating the Electorate - Promoting Awareness: In a country like India with all kinds of people from different walks of life, including tribal population, Voter Education campaigns should emphasize the importance of assessing candidates based on their policies, integrity, and past performance rather than short-term incentives. Civil society organizations, media, and educational institutions can play a pivotal role in fostering a more informed electorate. The Election Commission both at the center and State level must ban candidates with  criminal records, misappropriation of funds, etc., from standing in the election on a party ticket. 

Encouraging Accountability: Encouraging transparency and accountability in governance can help voters see beyond immediate gains and focus on the quality of leadership.  Platforms that track the fulfillment of electoral promises can aid in holding politicians accountable
Responsible Voting and Critical Evaluation: Voters should be encouraged to critically analyze the feasibility and sustainability of promises made by politicians. Understanding the broader impact of policies on society and future generations is crucial.

Choosing Leaders Wisely: Emphasizing the importance of character, integrity, competence, and vision in selecting leaders can lead to more responsible governance. Bernard Baruch's dictum highlights the importance of realistic and achievable promises over grandiose but empty ones.

Conclusion: Encouraging a shift from a culture of freebies to one of responsible and informed voting is essential for the health of any democracy. By promoting awareness and critical evaluation, voters can make more informed decisions that prioritize the long-term well-being of their communities and the nation. It is a "dangerous" trend of politicians trying to "buy the people" by distributing freebies and such an approach should be banned at any cost. 
American Politician and financier. Bernard_Baruch,

Above image: Bernard Baruch (1670 - 1965) was an American financier and statesman, born on August 19, 1870, to Jewish parents in Camden, South Carolina, USA. Graduated from the City College of New York, he made substantial fortune on the New York Stock exchange. During the WWI he served as advisor to President Woodrow Wilson and in the WWII he was a special advisor to war Mobilization. In 1946 under President Harry Truman he  served as the US representative to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. He was known for his integrity and political honesty.