The Parvati temple, the oldest heritage structure in Pune

Parvati Temple, Pune
 The Indian subcontinent, once  ruled by several dynasties of Hindu and Muslim rulers, has thousands of historical monuments across the county. These monuments  are silent spectators  to the rise and fall of  numerous rulers and their  fortunes. The city of Puna in Maharastra  state has numerous historical structures around the city.

The Parvati temple is one of the most famous landmarks in   Pune located on a hill  2100 ft above mean sea level and is on of the highest point  in the city. Hence  it is visible from almost every part of the cityThe temples  built by the Peshwas on the top of this hill include those of  Devadeveshwar (Shiva and Parvati) , Karttikeya, Vishnu , Vitthal and Rukmini.   The temples  dedicated to Goddess Parvati and Devadeshwar,  can be accessed  through  a hundred and eight steps leading to it.  There  are  also  temples  dedicated  to  Lord  Ganesh, Lord Kartikeya and  Lord Vishnu.  The Devadeveshwar temple was  built  by Nanasaheb Peshawa  in 1749 who fought against the British and to whom him  there is a memorial  on this hill. When Sir Charles Mallet, the British envoy in the court of the last of the Peshwas came to present his credentials to the Maratha power, it is believed, he camped at the the base of Parvati Hill for more than a week.  Another noteworthy feature is the presence of a small museum,  housing the objects used during the Peshwa rule, including   replicas of old manuscripts as well as paintings. The wooden pillars and ceiling present in the museum are quite old and are artistic. The museum has  the Samadhi Sthan of Shrimant Nanasaheb Peshwa.

This hill the most favorite spot of the nature lovers and fitness freaks,  has an extension towards the western side which was once a forest covered area and a small sanctuary known as the Parvati Vanavihara. The gentle slope of the hill, the easy ascent with good 103 steps and the fresh air at the top of the hill, have made this place a very popular exercise point. A number of people climb the hill early in the morning or in the evening and enjoy the atmosphere while watching the sunrise or sunset. There is a small cave at the back of the hill but  no record is available about its period or patronage. The Parvati temple,  one the oldest heritage structure in Pune is open from 5 am to 8pm Parvati water tank supplies water to the half of the city (Pune). 