Brig. Gen. Nicholson Cemetery, New Delhi, a remainder of '1857 Sepoy Mutiny'

Nicholson Cemetery, Delhi

1947. Brig. Gen. Nicholson, EIC Delhi Siege.  Pinterest

Brigadier-General John Nicholson CB (11 December 1821- 23 September 1857), a Victorian Era military officer  under Henry Lawrence courageously fought during wars in the frontier provinces (now in Pakistan) and other places of the British Empire in India.  Being a good swordsman and military officer, his military acumen and  skill in negotiations were in full play in the settlement of the North-West Frontier  area. As for the Indian Mutiny of 1957, its impact on the early British rule  was a serious one, particularly the  Siege of Delhi. Brig. Gen. Nicholson  recaptured Delhi and   became the Victorian "Hero of Delhi". His  exploits  during the Mutiny became subjects of many literary works and  ballads, inspiring generations of young British  boys to join the army. With respect to Indian patriots, Brig. Gen. Nicholson was a  nasty military officer who treated the Indians badly, hence Indians hated him very much.

His end came in Delhi  on 23 September 1857in a cantonment Bungalow where  he was recuperating from severe wounds he received in the Delhi  siege.  He tried to break  the defences of rebels who kept  the walled city of Shahjahanabad under their control,  and  was shot at near the Lahore Gate. At the military camp it was a slow and painful death, medical treatment was of no avail. After knowing that Delhi had been recaptured by the British, he breathed his last. When he died, he  was  just 35 -

Nicholson Cemetery,  formerly known as the Old Delhi Military Cemetery  is  located in Kashmere Gate, Delhi, India.  The site  is believed to be the  earliest known Christian burials in Delhi NCR. Built in 1857 the cemetery is named after Brig-Gen. John Nicholson. An interesting fact is the cemetery belongs to The St. James' Church, one of  the oldest places of worship for the Christian community of Delhi. The Christian institutions - The church along with cemetery, St. Stephen's hostel, and the Victorian era houses of Kashmiri Gate neighborhood once collectively called   "centripetal" part of Christians in Delhi.

Nicholson cemetery, Delhi,

A native of Ireland, John Nicholson, born on 11 December 1821 in Dublin, was educated at Dungannon. His maternal uncle, Sir James Weir Hogg,  arranged  a Cadetship for him in the Bengal Infantry and he saw his first duty  at Banaras,  and subsequently from 1839 till his death, he saw various duties and got a name for himself. It was in the Sepoy Mutiny during the siege of Delhi Sept, 1857), he played an exemplary role  that saw Delhi come under the British control.

Col. Nicholson cemetery.1880 Delhi.

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 began as a mutiny of sepoys of the East India Company's army on 10 May 1857, in the town of Meerut, soon gave rise to many rebellions at many northern towns. The chain of events in succession shook the British military and their morale was at the lowest. Brig. Gen. Nicholson, during the siege of Delhi at last came out victorious and this gave the British to  get back on their feet. On 14 September 1857,  when  Nicholson was leading the  storming party, he was shot in chest by a sepoy of rebellions. After a few days on 23 September, 1857 Nicholson  was succumbed to gunshot wounds.

Nicholson cemetery, Delhi, a protected monument.

The Siege of Delhi created a number of casualties and this created a demand for a Christian cemetery in the area. In front of the Kashmiri Gate, near to Ludlow Castle a new burial ground came up to fulfil the burial needs. Nicholson was among the first people who were buried there.  His tombstone was built from the white marble slab taken  from the Red Fort and the  epitaph on it reads:    ''The grave of Brigadier General John Nicholson who led the assault of Delhi but fell in the hour of victory mortally wounded and died 23rd September 1857 aged 35''.,_New_Delhi