Exciting Ananta Vasudev temple, Bubaneshwar, Odisha

Ananta Vasudeva Temple Bhubaneswar  Bhubaneswar Tourism 2018
Ananta Vasudeva Temple Bhubaneswar en.wikipedia.org/
.Located in the city of Bhubaneswar, the state capital of Odisha, the Ananta Vasudeva Temple is dedicated to Sri Krishna, an avatar of Sri Vishnu and, in this temple, there are other deities of Balarama and Subhadra. Here,  Balarama stands under a seven hooded serpent, with Subhadra holding a pot of  Jewels and lotus in her two hands and sri Krishna holding a mace, chakra, lotus and a conch, the standard features of Sri Vishnu.  Records point out that this temple dates back to the period of Chandrika Devi, the daughter of Anangabhima III, during the reign of the king Bhanudeva.
Ananta Vasudeva Temple Bhubaneswar en.wikipedia.org/
Ananta Vasudeva Temple Bhubaneswar TripAdvisor
 In the 13th century, Queen Chandrika of Eastern Ganga dynasty took the initiative and built  a new temple - the temple of Ananta Vasudeva in this place where there had been an old temple, It is believed, the main deity of Sri Vishnu was worshiped in the old temple. The presumption is that there must have been an old temple in the spot where the present temple stands.  In the late 17th century, when the Marathas,  extended their control up to the  river Mahanadi, they renovated the  Vishnu temple at Bhubaneswar.
Bimana or DeulaAnanta Vasudeva Temple Bhubaneswar en.wikipedia.or
The  temple may be mistaken for the Lingaraj temple, dedicated to lord Shiva but for the  Vaishnavite (Lord Vishnu related) sculptures.
Bhubaneswar Tourism 2018
The temple exterior has longitudinal bands of miniature shikharas (shrines), similar to  those in Lingaraj temple,  the minor difference being the number of the shikharas forming one longitudinal band in its case is only three. In this temple, the Vaishnavite sculptures get importance.  Most of the female sculptures in the temple walls  appear to be heavily  ornamented. 

This temple differs from Puri Jagannath temple where in the garbagriha - sanctum the three idols are made of Neem wood, whereas at Sri  Ananta Vasudev temple, the idols of Krishna, Balarama and Subhadra are  made of black granite.
On account of this temple, the city of Bubaneshwar is called

Chakra kshetra (circular place), whereas Puri is named Shankha kshetra (curved place). 