If Mahatma Gandhi were alive today.........

Mahatma Gandhiji's quote. azquotes.com

Indian nethas (politicians) jaagruti.org

''To me God is truth and love, God is ethics and morality, God is fearlessness''. .....................Mahatma Gandhi

The birth of Gandhiji (Gandhi Jayanthi)  is `celebrated on the 2nd of October  every year across  India with Indian leaders of various parties garlanding  his statues in their respective places. The same ritual is repeated when his death anniversary is observed on the 30 th of January every year.  For the past several decades, our nethas  have  never failed to observe both Gandhi Jayanthi and death anniversary events to impress on the people that they are following Mahatma's preaching despite their parties'  divergent ideologies. Following  Gandhi Jayanthi day, in particular, with some exceptions most of  his statues across  India will lose their shine and become dusty as months go by and will remain so till the next event mentioned above.

Gandhiji on the bill is angry with the netha.twitter.com

  As for our nethas, they have  neither time  nor clear mind to look upon Gandhiji as a source of inspiration because most of them have problems up to their neck, the serious ones being political scams and corruption charges. over which they lose their sleep.  To cap it all, they have obsession with their political revelry within the party ranks who are ready to knock them down like nine pins in the Bowling Alley and replace them. In a stressful, tight  political scenario  they would rather focus their energy  on to save their face, and stature than follow Gandhiji's teachings. The day to day problem of survival within the party and of proving their innocence in corruption charges levelled against them by the opponents will get priority over other things.  In the midst of all, they have to do some social service for name sake in their constituencies to keep their image in good shape. Regardless of their political functioning, one factor emerges out: Most of them  have scant respect for Gandhiji's  simplicity and political morality for which he stood as an example and sacrificed his life.  

''There will have to be rigid and iron discipline before we achieve anything great and enduring, and that discipline will not come by mere academic argument and appeal to reason and logic. Discipline is learnt in the school of adversity''................ Mahatma Gandhi

Bernard Shaw mazquotes.com

Gandhiji by cartoonist R.K.Laxman. bbc.co.uk

If Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,  an Apostle of Non-Violence were alive  to day, he would have been in rage for the following reasons ...............................................

01. Clashes among caste Hindus and dalits: 

Nauseating clashes  and enmity among caste Hindus and Dalits across India often initiated by certain politicians to have an edge over the other are too serious a matter. The aspirations of every caste must be addressed to maintain political amity.  

02. Coalition  Government and horse trading: 


deccan chronicle,com.pinterest.com

Sharing power is important. artofit.org

Irregularities in elections and horse trading in the name of alliance among parties  to form a coalition government need to be taken care of. This problem crops up when the political party or parties do not get majority to form a government. Though the parties'  ideologies are poles apart, the nethas come together on a single platform for a common cause other than taking care of people's welfare. The target here is pelf and political power within their reach. Social welfare, agriculture, etc are relegated to the background.

03. Caste and Election: 

Deccan chronicle com. .pinterest.com


The role of caste comes to the fore during election time and it has become vital to win a contest. Using caste as vote banks and money power to get votes remain unsolved and, at present, no end is in sight. Contestants are chosen for certain  constituencies on the basis of a dominating caste living there. Many nethas' clarion call for eradication of caste is meant to get the attention of the voters to improve their self-image. When it comes to implementation of caste equality, they will  surpass Harry Houdini's illusion  and disappear from the scene. in a jiff.

04. Corruption in Govt. departments: 

What about the common people?pinterest.com

Rampant corruption in every thing  within the corridors of govt. offices - PDS, hospitals, etc. Nepotism  among the some higher-ups is a fact. Whichever directions you turn you will run into corrupt  officials to whom dereliction of duty  is not a shame.

05. License Raj and Govt. contract work: 


Politics has become a money-spinning business right from construction of roads, bridges, leasing out lands for mining purposes, industrial license, etc. Only members of party in power will grab the contract compromising on quality of work, etc. . Nethas have learned the skill of  business men   and are good at wheeling and dealing. 

06. Scams galore: 

Horse trading is the trend. in.pinterest.com


Central and state ministries  get involved in  many scams in the last one decade or so. The amazing thing is, if politicians are caught red handed, they know the legal holes through which they can come out unscathed. If a politician has no scams to his credit, it is shame on him. That is the modern rend, particularly in the state. 

07. Abusing and misusing political power. 

deccan chronicle com.pinterest.com

Grabbing of government lands (in particular Hindu temple lands) for personal gains with the help of goondas – local rowdies or thugs goes unchecked in many cases. In states like Tamil Nadu,  the theft of hundreds of historical Hindu temple bronze antique idols, grabbing of temple lands, etc  are going on in collusion with some unjust employees and the politicians with no 100% proof solution in sight. 

08. Scant respect for the Supreme Court:     

   In the recent past, irresponsible politicians had least  respect for the Supreme Court rulings in connection with mismanagement of Hindu temple mismanagement and sale of lands.  

09. Prevalence of linguistic chauvinism:

In a few states like Tamil Nadu, etc.,  linguistic chauvinism is pushed to the edge  often   often fueled by selfish  nethas.  India does not have a common language for communication across the country. The central  Govt,'s  three language formula is opposed by non-Hindi speaking states. At stake is students' future; they  are denied  educational and job  opportunities  to upgrade themselves.

10. Frequent breakdowns of  business hours  during parliament sessions.

Nethas and in-fighting Pinrest.com

Opposition parties take every chance to make a mountain out of a mole hill, if they find some  trivial mistakes committed by the ruling party.  Opposition parries  never ever cooperate with the party in power  and lend their support on matters related to national security,  welfare,  unity, etc. Several days will be wasted because of  pandemonium and the end result is zilch. Relegated to the background are the issues related to gripping social problems, agriculture, industrial growth, rising prices, anti-national activities by certain  groups etc. 

11. Releasing goondas or criminals on Republic day or on the birthday of a political leader. 

Criminal and netha. artofit.org

Quite disturbing and disgusting  is the release of  hardcore criminals en-masse from  prisons on the birthday of a prominent leader of the ruling party  by irresponsible  nethas. The Judicial  courts after long deliberations and hearings find them guilty of  crime of serious nature and send them to jail, but here comes our nethas who give them clean chit and see to it they are back to civilian-cum criminal  life  like a free bird  wielding a dagger  or machete threatening people.  If Gandhiji were alive  he would have  given them some kind of punishment  with a bull-whip.  

11. Mixing religion and politics: 

Gandhiji will never spare a dishonest neta. pinterest.com

In the last election certain parties in Tamil Nadu made blasphemous remarks about the Hindu Gods and Hindu rituals. As for Non-Hindu religious priests,  they without any hesitation  used their places of worship  to canvas votes.   By stooping to such a low level, they strangle  the democratic practices. Positively he (Gandhi) would  have reprimanded the self-centered nethas  for instigating  and using religion as a tool to get  votes.  

From various sources