the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border areas, countless Tamils cross the border
to be in Kerala to buy a bottle or two of toddy (Kallu) available in many
toddy shops dotted close to the state line. Tamils do not pay liquid cash, instead follow the oldest system of buying - bartering. They buy a liter of toddy
from a Malayalee by way of bartering with just 2 kg of rice got free or
subsidized under PDS from the Tamil Nadu Govt. Rice is in great demand in Kerala. Reason: TN government closed
as many as many as 536 hard liquor shops in Tamil Nadu where toddy is already banned long ago. For the habitual liquor freaks this action by the government is quite disturbing. Being smart as they are, they need something alcoholic to wet their dry throat. The alternative is to go for Kallu. People, who are fond of high alcoholic liquor, have to be content with Kallu, local toddy which does not have high percentage of alcohol to make them feel sober. In Kerala
liquor shops are strictly regulated by the government to boost sale of
toddy. ''Be content with what you get'' is the motto of the habitual drunks of
Tamil Nadu living near the Kerala border.!
Intoxicated cop:
At Karukachal (Kottayam), Kerala : Holiday partying had landed a cop in serious trouble in Vakathanam, close to Kottayam town in October 2017. A driver/cop at the police station after a musical in the toddy shop had experienced hangover after downing several bottles of toddy. In a tipsy mood his creativity went overtime and started thumping the desk hard and at the same time singing solo to his heart’s content like a lady rookie singer say, soprano. His high pitched nonrhythmic, irritating voice caused more heartburn than entertainment to the customers, shop workers and the owner.
Intoxicated cop:
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Kerala, drunken cop's concert. |
At Karukachal (Kottayam), Kerala : Holiday partying had landed a cop in serious trouble in Vakathanam, close to Kottayam town in October 2017. A driver/cop at the police station after a musical in the toddy shop had experienced hangover after downing several bottles of toddy. In a tipsy mood his creativity went overtime and started thumping the desk hard and at the same time singing solo to his heart’s content like a lady rookie singer say, soprano. His high pitched nonrhythmic, irritating voice caused more heartburn than entertainment to the customers, shop workers and the owner.
The horrible singing at high pitch continued unabated, unfortunately the people in the shop had nothing on hand to plug their ears because the cop's bad singing was worse than a donkey given a couple of good bullwhips. The toddy shop manager and
other folks were sick and wary about his drunken euphoria. Upon asking him to be
silent by the manager, the cop got angry and felt his ego had been trespassed. Not to be either intimidated or insulted, later the cop went to the shop manager's house at night to continue
his solo concert - katcheri. This time his tongue became nasty and wagged aimlessly spewing out filthy words. The cop
bathed the manager with a barrage of expletives and invective, not minding the ladies in the house. Pushed to the fag end of his
patience, the manager contacted a senior cop in the police station over the phone and told him about the antics
and misconduct of a public servant who was supposed to protect the interest of the society. The higher-ups in the police department got wild and took disciplinary action against the cop for his indecent
behavior in public.
Drunk driving:
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According to police, the man was riding a motor bike “with his friend on pillion. The police team caught them and asked the rider to blow into the breathalyzer. The reading confirmed that he was heavily drunk and he had downed a quarter bottle of alcohol. When the policemen asked him to produce the driving license, he told them that it was in the bike. “He then suddenly turned around and jumped into the Adyar river with his pillion rider much to the shock of the policemen. They escaped uncaught and un-traced.
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Haula dancing |
If you happen to be a woman driver, be careful when you are caught in a traffic tie-up in your city. Sometimes, unexpectedly, you may be confronted with a bunch of tipplers who, in a drunken stupor, may entertain or embarrass you with a weird dance recital in front of you on the street with lewd, smutty gestures. A young woman in Mumbai had a similar disgusting experience.
While stuck in a traffic snarl in a busy road in Mumbai on a Sunday evening in November 2016, a 33 year old cafe owner had a harrowing experience. A group of drunk men harassed her. She was driving on the way to see her friend and go to church. When she saw an auto rickshaw inching ahead in the wrong direction, she got out of her car and told the auto driver to follow the queue as every body does. As she was telling the auto driver to go back, to her dismay, a car had just moved in close to her in the wrong direction. Sat inside the vehicle were six men in a drunken state. No sooner had she told them to move back and drive in the right direction, than they yelled at her and had let lose a cascade of expletives. Not content with this, one man got off from the car and began to dance with vulgar gestures. The other drivers near-by could not do anything about the dancing bear. The lady driver being smart, took the picture of the number plate with her mobile phone and tweeted her friend to inform the police. The cops who noted down the number plate, responded a bit late due to heavy traffic. By that time except the driver, others in the car gave a slip. The cops asked the driver to get the man who danced nicely with wrong gesticulation before the lady. As the fatigued woman was in the traffic for more than 3 hours, she preferred to go home soon instead of making a police complaint. The drunks and the dance walla got a break with a severe warning.
Liquor drinking on the increase in India:
While stuck in a traffic snarl in a busy road in Mumbai on a Sunday evening in November 2016, a 33 year old cafe owner had a harrowing experience. A group of drunk men harassed her. She was driving on the way to see her friend and go to church. When she saw an auto rickshaw inching ahead in the wrong direction, she got out of her car and told the auto driver to follow the queue as every body does. As she was telling the auto driver to go back, to her dismay, a car had just moved in close to her in the wrong direction. Sat inside the vehicle were six men in a drunken state. No sooner had she told them to move back and drive in the right direction, than they yelled at her and had let lose a cascade of expletives. Not content with this, one man got off from the car and began to dance with vulgar gestures. The other drivers near-by could not do anything about the dancing bear. The lady driver being smart, took the picture of the number plate with her mobile phone and tweeted her friend to inform the police. The cops who noted down the number plate, responded a bit late due to heavy traffic. By that time except the driver, others in the car gave a slip. The cops asked the driver to get the man who danced nicely with wrong gesticulation before the lady. As the fatigued woman was in the traffic for more than 3 hours, she preferred to go home soon instead of making a police complaint. The drunks and the dance walla got a break with a severe warning.
Liquor drinking on the increase in India:
it or not south Indian states, about five years ago accounted for 60%
of alcohol consumption of the entire country. Presumably, they take refuge in alcoholic beverages to subdue their frustration and ennui. Taking into account their
population of only 22-23% of the national population, the figure is too high to give a spin in your head.
Alcohol expenditure went up at a gallop to Rs.193 billion in 2013-14
from Rs.137 billion in 2012-13, clearly showing the upward trend of
drinking culture in Indian households. An average Indian household is
reported to have spent Rs.713 on drinking
in 2013-14. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), about 30 per cent of India’s population consumes alcohol regularly. Yet another sad story is the percentage of under-15 boys who have not had alcohol has gone down from 44 per cent to 30 per cent and for girls it has decreased from 50 per cent to 31 per cent.
For the brewers, south India may be an haven as the market size of alcohol is the largest in southern states at Rs.109 billion accounting for 60 per cent of alcohol consumption in India. This may be an indication of the mindset of the people who believe socializing with alcoholic drinks is not looked down by the conservatives in the society. The teenagers who socialize also drink liquor in spite of parents' warning. That school students bring liquor to school is a sad commentary. Along with social drinking comes an array of societal problems such as domestic violence, divorce, murder, street violence, brawls
As for average expenditure on alcohol, Keralite households spent the highest at Rs.4,206 per household on an average - five times the alcohol expense of an average Indian household. Consequently this state is facing a host of social problems rising road accidents, marital breakdowns and alcohol related diseases. Now, alcoholic liquor is very much limited in this state that encourages toddy (percentage of alcohol is just 2% to 3%).
The state of West Bengal accounts for the lowest average expenditure at Rs.64 per household in 2013-14
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in 2013-14. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), about 30 per cent of India’s population consumes alcohol regularly. Yet another sad story is the percentage of under-15 boys who have not had alcohol has gone down from 44 per cent to 30 per cent and for girls it has decreased from 50 per cent to 31 per cent.
For the brewers, south India may be an haven as the market size of alcohol is the largest in southern states at Rs.109 billion accounting for 60 per cent of alcohol consumption in India. This may be an indication of the mindset of the people who believe socializing with alcoholic drinks is not looked down by the conservatives in the society. The teenagers who socialize also drink liquor in spite of parents' warning. That school students bring liquor to school is a sad commentary. Along with social drinking comes an array of societal problems such as domestic violence, divorce, murder, street violence, brawls
As for average expenditure on alcohol, Keralite households spent the highest at Rs.4,206 per household on an average - five times the alcohol expense of an average Indian household. Consequently this state is facing a host of social problems rising road accidents, marital breakdowns and alcohol related diseases. Now, alcoholic liquor is very much limited in this state that encourages toddy (percentage of alcohol is just 2% to 3%).
The state of West Bengal accounts for the lowest average expenditure at Rs.64 per household in 2013-14