Farah Bagh, once a serene pleasure palace of Ahmednagar Sultanate , MH, India in ruins now - crying for restoration

Islamic architecture though had been around in the Indian subcontinent prior to the arrival of Mogul, but it was during their reign, it gained prominence. The Mogul style of design in tune with tropical climate and choice of construction materials in their  period from 1526 to 1857 left a lasting mark  onthe the innovative Indian architecture. 

Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar MH, India.miscellaneousbharat.com

,Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar MH India. en wikipedia.org

Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar MH India miscellaneousbharat.com

The careful blend  of Islamic, Persian, Arabic, Central Asian and native Indian architecture gave a stunning appearance to the structures especially in the façade.  During the colonial rule, British architects like Robert Chisholm, Henry Irvin, Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker and others never hesitated to borrow and incorporate certain Indo-Islamic designs  when they had constructed public buildings for the Imperial British government.  A major feature  of Mughal architecture is the symmetrical nature of buildings and courtyards in this regard 16th century ruler  Akbar's contribution to  Mogul style was vast. Many of the later Muslim rulers also followed suit - a blend of Indo -Islamic design styles. 
Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar ,Maharashtra India. rct.uk/collection

Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra India.ct.uk/collection

Above images: Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar taken from the east. The dilapidated structure  has a large arched recess at the center with smaller recessed arches on two stories on  either side. This was intended to have better aeration indoors in hot days. Lack of periodic repairs led to the wild growth of vegetation and deep rooted plants, creating cracks on the outer walls, roof, etc. Now plants are growing out of the cracks  making the remaining building structurally weak.  The site built in 1583 was in ruins after 1850s primarily due to political upheavals? 

Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar MH India miscellaneousbharat.com

Farah Bagh  of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra used to be a  self-contained palace  built by Nizam Shahi rulers of  Ahmednagar Sultanate for relaxation and comforts. Farah Bagh, an attractive simple structure in the center of   a huge palatial complex,  was  finally completed in 1583 by the famous designer Salabat II, after some delay due to choice of design style.

Burhan Nizam Shah ( He ascended the throne on the death of his father Ahmad Nizam Shah I in 1508 or 1510 when he was seven years old. He died in 1553 and was succeeded by Hussain Nizam Shah I) Upon the advice of his nobles decided to build a palace. for his comfortable stay.   The first design expert Salabat Khan, I died  while the construction was  on. The construction work resumed under  the famous Salabat II,  who finally  completed it in 1583.. Th design was not only based on structural  stability but also on the climatic condition of the region.
 Located about 3 km  from  Ahmednagar., the two story structure also served as the residence of some of the Sultans of  that region. The impressive Farah Bagh is in octagonal  shape  with a big hall  designed in the shape of  a dome; a masonry structure made  of rough stones.  
Farah Bagh 1880s by Henry Cousens Ahmednagar, India.en.wikipedia.org

Farah Bagh, Ahmednagar ,Maharashtra  flickr.com

A pride possession of the sultans of Ahmednagar,  sultan Murtaza Nizam Shah  had spent much of his time here. He enjoyed playing  chess  with a Delhi singer whom he called Fateh Shah. The bagh  was named after him. The sultan's admiration for him led him to build a separate mahal called Lakad Mahal in the garden. The central eight-sided palace is now in ruin, but  there are no traces of the pond that adorned the site in the past offering a serene atmosphere to relax. In the stretch between  this lush green garden and the city there are tombs of many popular royal members.  

The heritage site  is now in a shambles  owing to ubiquitous official negligence and ''don't care attitude'' of the ASI and the state government. The pond with a depth of 17 ft and a width of 150ft that once surrounded the octagonal castle (except for the ridge) is no more. However the 500 yard garden with many trees still exists. This area can be restored and made into a popular tourist spot. The ASI and state' heritage department must take urgent steps  to save he lgacy of Ahmednagar  Sultanate.



