Daily aspirin therapy - does it prevent heart attack and stroke?



It is medically proven that daily intake of aspirin therapy may lower your risk of heart attack, but it should be borne in mind  that  it is not for everyone. Many people ask the doctor whether they can take aspirin on a daily basis to prevent heart attack. Doctors normally recommend aspirin if a person had  a heart attack or stroke provided he had no  serious allergic problem  or history of bleeding, besides he  would also weigh  the risks and benefits. It is common knowledge that you should not  take aspirin  without doctor's advice.

Though occasional use of aspirin by adults  for headache, body pain  or fever is acceptable you shouldn't take  aspirin therapy regularly  on your own because  daily use of aspirin may  have serious side effects, including internal bleeding. You may be tempted to ask "How come aspirin is good for prevention of stroke and heart attack?'' The unique  therapeutic property of aspirin is it interferes with your blood's clotting action. When you bleed, your blood's clotting cells, called platelets, build up at the site of your wound. The platelets help form a plug that seals the opening in your blood vessel to stop bleeding.

Randy Glasbergen
Clotting can may occur within the vessels that supply your heart with blood. If your blood vessels are  already narrow due to  atherosclerosis — the buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries over a period of time may have a cumulative  effect on your vessel lining causing  burst.The blood clot will form a block and prevent the free flow of blood to the heart.  The advantage of aspirin therapy is it  reduces the clumping action of platelets a possible prevention of  a heart attack.

 Aspirin therapy is recommended for the following:
 01. If a person had a heart attack, 02. If a stent is placed in a coronary artery, though  the person had no heart attack, 03. If a person  had a bypass surgery or chest pain (Angina), 04. If the person is older than 50 or 60 and has one of the risk factors - BP or diabetes

The use of aspirin to prevent heart attacks in people with diabetes but no other risk factor is a contentious issue and researchers  come up with many theories. Though considerable research is done, a clear picture is not yet arrived at as to the exact benefits and risks of daily aspirin intake.  The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends daily aspirin therapy if you're  50 years old and above 70 unless you 're not at increased bleeding risk.

 Before recommendation can be made for or against aspirin use to prevent cardiovascular disease and colo-rectal cancer for the age group above 60 it is a must to get your doctor's opinion on it.  Many experts believe that the benefits of aspirin outweigh its potential risks involved. It is to be pointed out that in the USA, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) doesn't recommend aspirin  for the people who have no cardiac history earlier. 

 Before taking aspirin your doctor may look into your certain disorders: A bleeding or clotting disorder (bleeding easily),
 aspirin allergy, which can include asthma caused by aspirin
 Bleeding stomach ulcers. Recommended dosage 
of aspirin is  75 to 150 mg, but most commonly 81 mg can be effective. If a person had a heart attack,  aspirin or any blood-thinning drug is essential.
Both aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen when used on a regular basis can increase your bleeding risk. Gastrointestinal bleeding (stomach ulcer), allergic reaction, etc. If you drink alcohol, it may aggravate stomach internal bleeding disorders. So is  anticoagulant if you take it regularly; the latter may cause bleeding complications.   So, taking aspirin daily is a life-saving option, but it is not for every body. 
